Large Flamish wooden sculpture, 18th
Large full-length wooden sculpture carved in the round in linden wood.
It represents a splendid Archangel erected in a proud and solemn pose with his imposing wings spread.
It is truly of extraordinary elegance with a particularly elaborate but perfectly realistic movement of the garments without sculptural excesses and stylistic forcing.
A classic setting prevails with a strong sensation of serenity and balance.
Carried out in the late 18th century, in the middle of the neoclassical Louis XVI period, by a Flemish artist gifted with great sculptural ability and stylistic knowledge.
The statue offers a truly remarkable scenic effect with the linden wood that shines in a magical luminous and golden halo.
Its conditions are excellent with no shortcomings and no restorations with the extraordinary sculpture still intact in all its parts.
The proportions of the figure are of absolute perfection with a height of 107 cm. and a width at the wings of 40, while the base measures cm. 34 x 32. and is 15 tall.