St. Anna and the Vierge
Sculpture of French school XVII th century
Education of the Virgin
Extraordinary wooden sculpture with two solid figures representing Sant 'Anna accompanying Mary Child.
The Virgin holds the book of Holy Scriptures in her left hand and prepares to listen to the teachings of the Mother.
The scene conveys a series of emotions. The tender and innocent gaze of the Child, who will be the Mother of God, turns to Saint Anne who, on the contrary, expresses a strong drama, as if aware of the events already decided by the divine plan. The composition is perfectly balanced, very realistic and without stylistic forcing, despite the exceptional vigor of the sculpture.
It is clearly a work of art of an extraordinary level that highlights, in addition to a first-rate plastic movement, an excellent state of conservation.
The large sculpture was carved from a single piece of oak in the most classic French tradition.
Indeed, although the influence of Italian art is obvious, the work is placed in the finest Baroque production of the French manufacture.
Sculptures of this level and in these splendid conditions hardly appear on the market.
Measurements are H. 112 x W. 57 x depth 26 including plinth.
Authenticity and lawful origin are certified.